Cofty" The bible is full of errors and contradictions"
The Rebel (A) I accept that the bible is full of errors and contradictions, I accept that the God of the old testement is Inzane. Isn't that how we learn, by reading words, because we think words are important?
But can we presume that by reading words we will understand the secrets of life?
Can we accept that truth is in books?
That to read the correct book is to find truth?
The world is full of science books that contradict past science, yet they all attempted to explain the world around us and like the bible we're considerd truth at the time of writing.
So whilst I accept that the bible is full of contradictions:-
A) isn't it a bit presumptuous to think the current books we read today on science contain absolute truth?
B) Surely we would we be better to approach such books thinking they contain only current reccomendations of truth?
The Rebel.
p.s an added thought ( C) can words ever contain truth?